Who says conservative brands can’t have a bit of fun?

“If people aren’t talking about you, they’re not talking about you for a reason. And the reason isn’t that they dislike you. They’re not talking about you because you’re boring.” ~ Seth Godin Conservative brands get a raw deal. While their more youthful, sexy and luxurious cousins have a wonderful time being implemented in all […]
3 simple ways to start having more conversations with your customers

Do we ever really know what our customers are thinking? If your answer is yes, my guess is you invest a tonne of money in ongoing market research – both online and offline to stay on top of changing customer behaviours, expectations and perceptions. Or, you have a dedicated contact centre with customer service representatives […]
Marketing to millennials

By now it’s highly likely that you’ve seen Simon Sinek’s viral video on millennials. If you haven’t you should probably watch it. Sinek shares great insights into the millennial generation (born roughly after 1984) and suggests millennials are marked by how they were raised, impatience, technology addiction and their environment. If millennials make up a […]
Content Marketing – what it is and why you need it

Content marketing is pretty much what it sounds like right? Using content to market your business. But isn’t that what we’ve been doing? But what is content exactly? And where do you ‘market’ it? Answering these questions depends on a couple of things – who your market is (customer personas unique to your business) and […]
S is for Strategy

Much like a ship flailing around at sea, in the dark, near a rocky coastline, as a storm rages (ok, you get the point, I’ll hold off mentioning the hole in the hull that’s filling with water!) your brand can get into deep water without a lighthouse, or in this case, a strategy. Just as […]
7 tips for improving Facebook engagement

Still ranked as the number 1 social media platform, Facebook has amassed 1.7 billion monthly users with 15 million users in Australia alone. By now, it’s more than likely you have a Facebook page for your business but you might be wondering whether it’s actually driving traffic let alone converting sales. Given that most of […]
The importance of proofing

The Oxford English Corpus has collated a list of the most commonly misspelled words in the English language. Accommodate, believe, chauffeur, embarrass and tomorrow are up there with the worst offenders and don’t forget i before e with receive. Pop Quiz! Yes or No, are these words spelt correctly? bureaucracy liaison jewelry occurrance entrepreneur If […]
7 tips for writing non boring copy!

When was the last time you read some great copy? Think: websites, e-newsletters, social media posts, blogs, ads (online and offline) or any writing anywhere that was designed to promote a product or company message, but didn’t bore you senseless and (*gasp*) even piqued your interest? Anything coming to mind? These ‘content unicorns’ are rare. […]
11 tips for perfect pinning on Pinterest

While Pinterest may be completely addictive to those who love it; spending hours curating boards for everything from home ideas to wedding plans, is it actually a useful social media tool for your business? The answer is yes. Ranking higher than Instagram, Pinterest is the 5th most popular social networking site. So, it’s worth considering […]
If x then y, the automation of everything

The other day as I wandered around Melbourne International airport I felt a little uneasy by just how many apps and other online platforms served up content relevant to my upcoming trip. My banking application popped up with a notification asking me if I wanted to register my overseas travel, opening Google on my phone […]