On your bike!

One morning on my way to work I took the above picture. Can you think of a better way to get to work? For me, it certainly beats being stuck on Punt Road or squashed between a banker and a student on the train. Being Danish, I was brought up on a bicycle. 50% of […]
Freelancers versus agency – Who wins on strategy?

First, this isn’t going to be a shameless plug for agencies from someone working in one. Full disclosure, I used to be freelancer and, I did some awesome creative (ahem, if I do say so myself!). But it boils down to this: more people equals more ideas, skill sets, experience, resources…The list goes on. More […]
7 key graphic design trends of 2016

Trends go up, trends go down and graphic design trends are definitely no exception to this. But what exactly is a trend and how does it influence what we do as designers? Defined as “a general tendency or direction”- they take a while to emerge and are influenced by fashion, culture, media and history. Some stay […]
Why white space is critical in good design

Balance, harmony, elegance, professionalism, promoting a clear message… These are the words coming to mind when I think of the use of white space in graphic design. But before we continue down the path of white space, let’s take a quick detour into the topic of what is good graphic design. Good graphic design. Not […]
The ups and downs of global marketing

Globalisation – the corporate buzz word that started buzzing back in the days when we had to dial up every time we checked our email or googled for cat videos. As marketers, living in a globally connected world has opened up new industries, technologies, channels and audiences. As a result, work we create may be […]
Crisis communication: Owning it.

2016 has given us a couple of shining examples of what to do and what not to do when it comes to companies owning a crisis. Telstra – how to own an outage crisis I take my hat off to Telstra for their handling of a recent mass network outage that impacted 8 million customers. […]
Maximising event publicity – it’s all social these days.

I recently watched Bat Kid Begins a gorgeous documentary film about the viral bonanza that became of a Make a Wish event in San Francisco back in 2013. Not only was the documentary a heart-warming story of a little boy with a big dream but it got me thinking about the simple ways all events […]
Getting a leg up in a duopoly

Visa vs. Mastercard, Apple vs. Microsoft, and Woolworths vs. Coles; all duopolies relentlessly battling it out to uphold their collective market share dominance. Both key players in their respective markets spend big marketing bucks to stay on top, yet are constantly bombarded with challenges to maintain their position in an environment of ‘imperfect competition’. Organisations […]
Six steps to a killer e-newsletter strategy

The boss calls you into her office one morning. She’s concerned about the fragmented and random way that the business is communicating with customers. With all best intents, the sales guys are doing their own thing, operations are sending a few emails en-masse to fix common issues, and senior management are giving heads-ups to big […]
Five Tips To Managing And Improving Your Business Reputation

Being in business is like diving in to a pit of snakes. There are dangers lurking at every turn – staff turnover and training, fluctuating cash flow, client dependence, people stealing your coffee cup, fatigue and a lack of resources when you need them most, are just a few of the pitfalls of being a […]