ENGIE Australia & New Zealand Foundation Website Build

The Client

ENGIE Australia & New Zealand


January – April 2019

The Project

ENGIE is the largest independent power producer in the world, with global revenues of €60.6 billion in 2018. Cuckoo worked with the Australia & New Zealand team to launch a new website combining two existing, yet separate web assets. ENGIE at the time was also going through a global design flux. The first challenge for Cuckoo was to develop a design that remained within the current design guidelines as per the client brief, but met the expectations of a modern ENGIE look. It was important to sit within the global brand guidelines but also demonstrate ENGIE’s local credentials and personality. Traditionally a website has a single purpose – to serve a customer or provide a particular product. The ENGIE website was required to do more. This new site had an added layer as it was combining ENGIE the enterprise and ENGIE’s business units into a unified website. ENGIE also provides solution-based products some of which don’t exist but are driven by customer need. It was a challenge to develop a design that suited the delivery of these customised products along with all ENGIE’s other offerings. Another requirement was to determine a structure for the site that would allow customers to get to where they needed in three clicks or less. Cuckoo developed a navigation strategy that would allow visitors to get to where they needed quickly even though there were many landing pages on the site. The strategy relied on a self-filtering process by the visitor. They were defined by type of customer with solutions provided that would best suit that type of customer. This build was only stage one of the new website. Cuckoo needed to deliver a site that looked resolved but was able to expand when it was time to develop the content further. It was tempting to go that extra step, build just one more page, but it was necessary to stay within scope and the time frame in order to deliver a resolved site by the agreed go live date.

The Interesting Bit

Cuckoo was given a very tight deadline. 11 weeks from project approval to launch. Cuckoo‘s ability to scale resources and effort meant that we were able to effectively manage the infrastructure, content creation, and design within the timeframe whilst executing client changes along the way. A company such as ENGIE requires its website to have current and relevant content. That means the job is never really done. Particularly as the website is most likely the first point of contact for businesses with ENGIE, it is vital that content is updated constantly. Really, the most interesting part is yet to come as we aim to build more customer focused pieces of content as well as more day to day content in stage two of the website build.

The Results

  • Delivered 225 discreet content elements on the day the website went live.
  • Accumulated over 1200 hours of work across the project team. That’s roughly 31 weeks’ worth of work that was completed in a tight 11-week timeframe.
  • Responded to increase in scope throughout the project whilst still maintaining deadline for launch.
  • Delivered a very technically advanced infrastructure solution that will protect ENGIE in the long run from failure or hacking.
  • Provided ENGIE with a cost-effective solution by building the site directly in the Amazon Web Services infrastructure pool rather than via a hosting provider.