Gear Express Branding and Website Build

Close up of production switcher with varied coloured lights.

The Client

Gear Express


2016 – 2017

The Project

Gear Express is a small Melbourne-based group who were looking to start up a wholesale audio visual dry-hire business. These guys were looking to target a niche market, however, targeting their services at people who were within the industry and already had a base-level of understanding. They weren’t looking to hire you a PA so you could play two acoustic covers at your friend’s wedding which also needed to be set-up and plugged in because you don’t know what you are doing. Understand? Gear Express approached Cuckoo to get them up and running with a complete brand/image and web presence from scratch. Our favourite kind.

The Interesting Bit

When you create a new brand, you are applying the values of the business to a visual element. Sure, it’s used to promote your business, but it is also an explanation of what you are about. So, brand identity is more than just a look or logo. With Gear Express, they are a no bullshit group who want to offer quality products to people who need them. For this reason, we kept the website and imagery minimal and direct. We focused heavily on the products and specifications as the customers of Gear Express know what they need and can understand this information. We also structured the website in such a way that is was a clean and comfortable shopfront for the business, you can request quotes or directly order everything you need online. We optimised the site so the business could be found online – very important. When you search ‘Melbourne wholesale AV’ on Google, Gear Express appear in the top five searches. Have you ever clicked over to page two on a google search? Of course not. Why does Google even have a page two? It’s page one or bust in business. By aligning the look and operation of Gear Express with the ethos of the business, you get happy staff and customers. The personal touch is crucial when inventing a new brand, and at Cuckoo, that is the only approach we take.

The Results