Lendlease Retirement Living Digital Transformation

Screenshot of Lendlease Retirement Living website homepage.

The Client

Lendlease Retirement Living



The Project

In 2022, Lendlease was seeking to separate its retirement living business into an independent entity and begun looking for investors. Aware Super soon became the majority stakeholder in the retirement business. This new entity then became known as “Lendlease Retirement Living”. Lendlease were looking for help to support these structural business changes from a branding and marketing perspective. Their aim: to mitigate the impacts and uphold the reputation and awareness of their brand amongst its 75 villages and 12,000 residents across Australia. We assisted Lendlease in this separation by providing them with strategic support. We surveyed their marketing team, hosted workshops with their senior members and conducted market research to assess the best practices in retirement living and real estate industries across Australia and globally. From here, we provided recommendations for their strategy that included data solutions, website design, search engine optimization and continual support past the transformation.

The Interesting Bit

We built a complete website including page by page high-definition wireframes that were fine-tuned to be the perfect fit for the target market and industry based on our conducted research. This also involved our team data-building all the pages, all of which were customised for the business – no shortcuts here. We implemented a key-word strategy throughout the website build, to ensure the website was search engine friendly, and would rank highly organically when first launched. Our biggest challenge was then transferring past content from the old website to the new website. This was approximately 2000 hours’ worth of work that took place over 6 months. We collated over 10,000 images from numerous databases, renamed and catalogued them into a new image library. Our project also didn’t stop, once the website was live. We wanted the Lendlease Retirement Living team to feel supported and empowered during these changes. So, we built a digital training platform for their marketing team and hosted monthly Q/As sessions for their team. This Tier 1 support platform was also a way for their team to reach out to us with questions anytime, so that we could guide the team on any technical or website enquiries. We also assisted their 3 content producers who tested the website daily, in solving any minor bugs.

The Results

The site went live without a hitch, and we were able to support their team in maintaining an efficient website for both their SEO and their current and prospective customers.