Handling brand attacks in the media

The least popular orange person of our times, President Donald Trump, attacked major luxury brand Nordstrom for dumping his daughter Ivanka’s clothing line earlier this year. Though Nordstrom had a completely justifiable reason to do so, the potential damage to their brand could’ve been HUGE! My daughter Ivanka has been treated so unfairly by @Nordstrom. […]
Maximising event publicity – it’s all social these days.

I recently watched Bat Kid Begins a gorgeous documentary film about the viral bonanza that became of a Make a Wish event in San Francisco back in 2013. Not only was the documentary a heart-warming story of a little boy with a big dream but it got me thinking about the simple ways all events […]
The pressure of good publicity

A tale of woe to be sure… as they would have said in the old days. A while ago my better half read a story in Epicure, in The Age, about “Australia’s Best Vanilla Slice”. It was purportedly served from the fish and chip shop in Flinders. For the uninitiated, Flinders is 96 kms from […]