Keeping it real when your business is growing

In today’s increasingly digital world, we humans are desperate for real connection. We don’t just want a product or service that meets our functional need, we want something that satisfies our soul. We want to deal with brands we can trust, with engaging experiences and values that support our own. The need for brand authenticity […]
Five Tips To Managing And Improving Your Business Reputation

Being in business is like diving in to a pit of snakes. There are dangers lurking at every turn – staff turnover and training, fluctuating cash flow, client dependence, people stealing your coffee cup, fatigue and a lack of resources when you need them most, are just a few of the pitfalls of being a […]
The pressure of good publicity

A tale of woe to be sure… as they would have said in the old days. A while ago my better half read a story in Epicure, in The Age, about “Australia’s Best Vanilla Slice”. It was purportedly served from the fish and chip shop in Flinders. For the uninitiated, Flinders is 96 kms from […]