Social Media – so how much is too much?

Social media is a constantly changing mix of channels that bring new and exciting opportunities to connect with your customers, your people and the all-important new business prospects. But, how much is too much? How many channels? How many posts per day? Or is it posts per week? Or posts per hour? Just about everyone […]

How to win – tips on successful bid writing

We live in a very competitive world and if you want to win that next project, writing compelling and effective proposals is a must. When a business or government entity is looking for a partner for a specific project, often an Expression of Interest or Request for proposal will be released. The responses received will […]

Why video is a must in your B2B marketing strategy

We’ve heard it a bajillion times – content is king. It’s the centerpiece of an effective marketing strategy. Recently, the marketing catch-cry has become more specific, and video content has ascended to the throne. Have you ever stopped to consider why? And if you’re a B2B marketer, do you need to bother? Spoiler alert – […]

Why we love email automation and you should too

Email marketing is one of the most powerful marketing tools in our modern-day marketing arsenal. But if your email marketing still only consists of pumping out one-off campaigns and newsletters that go to your whole list, you could be missing out big time. We ♥ email automation because it’s personalised, micro-targeted, timely and efficient communication […]

What is sustainable marketing and why is it important?

Sustainable marketing is the process of engaging and communicating with customers in a way that considers and minimises the impact of the marketing activity on the environment. Sustainable marketing looks beyond the immediate needs of the business and its customers and balances the long-term interests of society. Importantly, sustainable marketing practices can still focus on […]

Creating a winning message starts with understanding your target audience

We are far beyond using the big guns of mass media to tell our stories. That’s not to say there isn’t a place for the old school stuff but in this day and age when we know so much more about our customers, why not get them when they’re looking. Let’s be clear every communication […]

The age of the podcast – Is it right for your business?

Google has done it again. They love to make life easier and for all you podcast listeners out there, they’re serving up something special for you. Perhaps you haven’t noticed, but just the other week Google added podcasts to their Search feature. Meaning that when you search for a podcast about any given topic, related […]

Brand Culture – The secret weapon in building business success

Gone are the times of just aligning your target market with a communications strategy that supports your brand positioning. It’s all about the brand culture. Brand culture determines the way your employees engage with the brand and consequently how they deliver customer experiences. It’d be nice if you could bottle that entrepreneurial energy of the […]

Standing the test of time

The value of nostalgia should not be underrated. If your brand elicits feelings of nostalgia in customers, it’s probably taken decades to establish and it’s an invaluable asset. A study published by the Journal of Consumer Research found that feeling nostalgic encourages people to part with their money and be willing to pay more for […]

Keeping it real when your business is growing

In today’s increasingly digital world, we humans are desperate for real connection. We don’t just want a product or service that meets our functional need, we want something that satisfies our soul. We want to deal with brands we can trust, with engaging experiences and values that support our own. The need for brand authenticity […]