Why video is a must in your B2B marketing strategy

We’ve heard it a bajillion times – content is king. It’s the centerpiece of an effective marketing strategy. Recently, the marketing catch-cry has become more specific, and video content has ascended to the throne. Have you ever stopped to consider why? And if you’re a B2B marketer, do you need to bother? Spoiler alert – […]
The age of the podcast – Is it right for your business?

Google has done it again. They love to make life easier and for all you podcast listeners out there, they’re serving up something special for you. Perhaps you haven’t noticed, but just the other week Google added podcasts to their Search feature. Meaning that when you search for a podcast about any given topic, related […]
Virtual Reality. Are we there yet?

Every year for the past 10 years, I’ve heard that Virtual Reality will be the next big thing. Brands today want their consumers to have immersive experiences and I can’t think of anything more immersive than VR. So why hasn’t VR gone mainstream yet, and will VR actually be the next big thing in the […]