Standing the test of time

The value of nostalgia should not be underrated. If your brand elicits feelings of nostalgia in customers, it’s probably taken decades to establish and it’s an invaluable asset. A study published by the Journal of Consumer Research found that feeling nostalgic encourages people to part with their money and be willing to pay more for […]
Keeping it real when your business is growing

In today’s increasingly digital world, we humans are desperate for real connection. We don’t just want a product or service that meets our functional need, we want something that satisfies our soul. We want to deal with brands we can trust, with engaging experiences and values that support our own. The need for brand authenticity […]
Hundreds of ways to diminish your brand position

Recently I bought a new washing machine. I was disappointed that the ridiculous cost of repairing my, relatively new might I add, machine meant that the best option was to replace it. So, right from the beginning I was a reluctant buyer. Having trawled through the mass of customer and pricing reviews, I knew exactly […]
What marketing lessons can we learn from the recent election?

No matter which way you voted, it was back to work on Monday after the unforeseen election results. As everyone settled back into the daily grind, we took some time to reflect on the weekend’s events. Of course, being a marketing agency, we couldn’t help focusing on the marketing lessons arising from this year’s election. […]
The power of the promoting employee

Who would you say is the best trumpet blower for your brand? Was it your satisfied customers that came to mind? Obvious choice. Traditionally customers have been the number one brand fans that if treated right would sell your products or service for you. Their gospel praise for your brand can be effective however, imagine […]
Workplace Identity – how your workplace is perceived

Identity is a word of monumental proportions, with definitions a plenty, including i). displaying certain characteristics; ii). in reference to self; or iii). reference to social category. For the purpose of defining workplace identity, let’s look at the first option; displaying certain characteristics. That leads me to my first question: how do you present these […]
The true cost of false advertising

“You’ll feel better on Swisse.” This is the slogan that Swisse, a Melbourne health and wellness company, was forced to defend against false advertising claims. In March 2012, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) forced Swisse to cease using the slogan as it could not be proven that people did actually feel better when using the […]
2017 Design trends – what’s been hot?

Well, with 2017 getting older and spring almost upon us, we thought it time for a little reflection on what trends have been popular this year. We’re looking at the usual suspects of colour, typography and layout and within each of those we have seen some notable standouts. Here’s a quick summary of what’s been […]
7 Reasons why you shouldn’t DIY your logo design

You’ve got this amazing idea for a new business, you’re bubbling with excitement and you can’t wait to get started. You’re thinking that the first thing you need is a logo, right? “Yes, I need a logo, I need it quick and I don’t really have much cash to splash on getting a designer to […]
How to choose the perfect font for your brand

An essential part of designing your brand is font selection. At its most basic, it commands consistency. Beyond this, fonts lead to a visual brand identity and assist with recognition in a busy marketplace. Furthermore they communicate brand traits and need to speak to your target audience. Because of this, font selection is not a […]