Why brand consistency is critical

I can understand how you might find a marketer’s white knuckled commitment to brand consistency kind of annoying. I mean, what is the big deal? Anyone would think it was a ‘life and death’ issue when you hear marketers say things like: ‘No, there’s no way we can do it. We need to think about […]
Who says conservative brands can’t have a bit of fun?

“If people aren’t talking about you, they’re not talking about you for a reason. And the reason isn’t that they dislike you. They’re not talking about you because you’re boring.” ~ Seth Godin Conservative brands get a raw deal. While their more youthful, sexy and luxurious cousins have a wonderful time being implemented in all […]
S is for Strategy

Much like a ship flailing around at sea, in the dark, near a rocky coastline, as a storm rages (ok, you get the point, I’ll hold off mentioning the hole in the hull that’s filling with water!) your brand can get into deep water without a lighthouse, or in this case, a strategy. Just as […]
7 tips for writing non boring copy!

When was the last time you read some great copy? Think: websites, e-newsletters, social media posts, blogs, ads (online and offline) or any writing anywhere that was designed to promote a product or company message, but didn’t bore you senseless and (*gasp*) even piqued your interest? Anything coming to mind? These ‘content unicorns’ are rare. […]
Logo Design Processes – Don’t just try and wing it

The visual identity of your business is often the first port of call for your clients. It’s make or break stuff. If you miss the mark you’ll likely be waving goodbye to business. The ultimate goal of a logo is instant recognition. It needs to be memorable and simplicity is an important factor in achieving […]
Colour choice: How it impacts upon your brand.

The connections we make with colour during our lives stay with us forever: colour retains memories, and memories retain colour. Colour corresponds, communicates and has incredible cultural value and meaning. It informs us about everything in our surrounds, such as the change of the seasons (hello Spring!), whether to stop or keep going, and whether […]
Creating a voice for your brand

Wouldn’t it be cool if when your company started talking, your customers knew it was you even before you introduced yourself? It’d be kind of like it was in the olden days before caller ID, when you picked up you knew it was Aunty Sue just from the way she launched into the boring-est story […]
Building Big Strong Brands

Few people who have kids would argue that parenting is easy. It takes constant, hard work and lots of it. It’s not a set and forget scenario, it takes continuous supervision and monitoring, evaluation and negotiation. The same goes for your brand. And many brand managers, marketers and business owners will, quite rightly, see their […]
On your bike!

One morning on my way to work I took the above picture. Can you think of a better way to get to work? For me, it certainly beats being stuck on Punt Road or squashed between a banker and a student on the train. Being Danish, I was brought up on a bicycle. 50% of […]
Freelancers versus agency – Who wins on strategy?

First, this isn’t going to be a shameless plug for agencies from someone working in one. Full disclosure, I used to be freelancer and, I did some awesome creative (ahem, if I do say so myself!). But it boils down to this: more people equals more ideas, skill sets, experience, resources…The list goes on. More […]