Hundreds of ways to diminish your brand position

Recently I bought a new washing machine. I was disappointed that the ridiculous cost of repairing my, relatively new might I add, machine meant that the best option was to replace it. So, right from the beginning I was a reluctant buyer. Having trawled through the mass of customer and pricing reviews, I knew exactly […]

The power of the promoting employee

Who would you say is the best trumpet blower for your brand? Was it your satisfied customers that came to mind? Obvious choice. Traditionally customers have been the number one brand fans that if treated right would sell your products or service for you. Their gospel praise for your brand can be effective however, imagine […]

Good ol’ email marketing. Still the king after all these years!

We’re all familiar with email. Before the advent of social media and all the cool tools that kids use nowadays, email was the de facto electronic communication method. And in a way, it still is. The first ever email was sent in 1971, but it took another 7 years for someone to realise that they […]

Be impactful and effective – 10 tips to develop strong integrated marketing

The success of creating effective and impactful integrated marketing campaigns to achieve your desired marketing outcome can be better secured by planning ahead and taking note of the following ten tips. 1. Establish the competition Who are your main competitive threats? If you don’t already know this inside and out, research your competitors. Understand where […]

Times up on gender inequality – Navigating gender in advertising

Any conversation on the topic of gender is a minefield these days. It requires an up to date point of view, a sense of compassion and a belief in equality for all. Either that or you risk the full wrath of the female population, their male allies, and anyone who’s rejected the gender binary code. […]

Workplace Identity – how your workplace is perceived

Identity is a word of monumental proportions, with definitions a plenty, including i). displaying certain characteristics; ii). in reference to self; or iii). reference to social category. For the purpose of defining workplace identity, let’s look at the first option; displaying certain characteristics. That leads me to my first question: how do you present these […]

Smoke and mirrors

Smoke and mirrors is actually a classic technique in magical illusions that makes an entity appear to hover in empty space, sometimes passed off as conjured spirits. There’s a simple “sciencey” explanation for this. Sounds cool – huh? Since this technique was documented in 1770, we have gone on to incorporate the phrase into real […]

2018 Vinnies CEO Sleepout

It’s great to see that from one volunteer’s idea in 2006, today, thousands of top business, community and political leaders are coming together on the same night across the entire country to raise money for a neglected part of our community. Vinnies CEO Sleepout raises millions of dollars every year. This money provides accommodation, meals […]

Can you survive on word-of-mouth alone?

The short answer is no. What!? A blog that answers the initial question in the first line and doesn’t make you read all the way through to the call to action at the end? Crazy right!? Make sure you tell all of your friends how crazy we are. WHY IS THE SHORT ANSWER NO THOUGH? […]

The true cost of false advertising

“You’ll feel better on Swisse.” This is the slogan that Swisse, a Melbourne health and wellness company, was forced to defend against false advertising claims. In March 2012, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) forced Swisse to cease using the slogan as it could not be proven that people did actually feel better when using the […]