Social Media – so how much is too much?

Social media is a constantly changing mix of channels that bring new and exciting opportunities to connect with your customers, your people and the all-important new business prospects. But, how much is too much? How many channels? How many posts per day? Or is it posts per week? Or posts per hour? Just about everyone […]
Creating a winning message starts with understanding your target audience

We are far beyond using the big guns of mass media to tell our stories. That’s not to say there isn’t a place for the old school stuff but in this day and age when we know so much more about our customers, why not get them when they’re looking. Let’s be clear every communication […]
The age of the podcast – Is it right for your business?

Google has done it again. They love to make life easier and for all you podcast listeners out there, they’re serving up something special for you. Perhaps you haven’t noticed, but just the other week Google added podcasts to their Search feature. Meaning that when you search for a podcast about any given topic, related […]
Standing the test of time

The value of nostalgia should not be underrated. If your brand elicits feelings of nostalgia in customers, it’s probably taken decades to establish and it’s an invaluable asset. A study published by the Journal of Consumer Research found that feeling nostalgic encourages people to part with their money and be willing to pay more for […]
Keeping it real when your business is growing

In today’s increasingly digital world, we humans are desperate for real connection. We don’t just want a product or service that meets our functional need, we want something that satisfies our soul. We want to deal with brands we can trust, with engaging experiences and values that support our own. The need for brand authenticity […]
Hundreds of ways to diminish your brand position

Recently I bought a new washing machine. I was disappointed that the ridiculous cost of repairing my, relatively new might I add, machine meant that the best option was to replace it. So, right from the beginning I was a reluctant buyer. Having trawled through the mass of customer and pricing reviews, I knew exactly […]
What marketing lessons can we learn from the recent election?

No matter which way you voted, it was back to work on Monday after the unforeseen election results. As everyone settled back into the daily grind, we took some time to reflect on the weekend’s events. Of course, being a marketing agency, we couldn’t help focusing on the marketing lessons arising from this year’s election. […]
The Humble Pie – A Lesson in product design and positioning

7-Eleven has been around for eons now and have made a motser from providing life’s essentials at a convenient time, from a convenient location. Some say the ride is coming to an end with the birth of dial-an-everything. You can even get hot coffee delivered to you via drones thanks to our friends at Wing, […]
Good ol’ email marketing. Still the king after all these years!

We’re all familiar with email. Before the advent of social media and all the cool tools that kids use nowadays, email was the de facto electronic communication method. And in a way, it still is. The first ever email was sent in 1971, but it took another 7 years for someone to realise that they […]
Times up on gender inequality – Navigating gender in advertising

Any conversation on the topic of gender is a minefield these days. It requires an up to date point of view, a sense of compassion and a belief in equality for all. Either that or you risk the full wrath of the female population, their male allies, and anyone who’s rejected the gender binary code. […]